But still reserve it on my self, I still believe in old Filipino saying "TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE". They so convincing and so sure and go to the extend of lending me the pendant for two (2) weeks, in order to feel the effect.
For three days, somethings extra ordinary happen to me, I feel that my endurance has been increase by 50%, my bowel movement is so intense even i doesn't yet eat anything, (which turn to be detoxification effect of scalar pendant to my body), I feel so warm and perspiration all days.
After 3 weeks of wearing the scalar energy pendant, the amazing things happen to me, I been tested before of having high uric acid on my blood, and will immediate trigger on the small amount of "bulalo soup",that will result of inflammation of my foot, and need to immediately medicate or it will get worse.
The amazing things happen is when, I been invited my auntie to her b-day celebration, she is almost 80 yrs old, and one of the eldest living relatives in our clan. when i arrived in her house, somewhere in Manila, a shock register on my face, when we are about to take our lunch. On the table is my favorite but against my diet, we call it "kare-kare" (made of animal intestine), which is high in uric acid.
You don"t want to experience the reaction of your elder, if you did not eat what she prepare.
So I have only two option, not to eat her food, go home, and be evicted to her house for the rest of her life ( very dramatic) or eat. I settle for the 2nd option and eat. The food was so delicious and perfectly done, according to my want, but deep inside my mind is I'm so worried to the effect.
When i go home, I would like to take medicine immediately, because I don"t want to feel the pain I endured for the last experience. But my willingness to see the effect of Scalar Energy Pendant on me, prevail,
And to my amazed...!
after a day, nothing happen to my feet and my worry has been change to gladness.
I really find a alternative energy medicine that have immediate effect on me. thanks to Scalar Energy Pendant.
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